
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Happy Holidays! 6 Key Resources for Holiday Marketing Tips

For many companies, the holidays account for a darn high portion of their total revenue. So why not spend some time looking into targetting your customers during the holidays? Whether it's a Christmas email marketing campaign, or just optimized SEO campaigns for the season, any edge you can get, or any niche you can identify and fill, can help

Holiday SEO Campaigns at SEO Book

Want some SEO tips for the holidays? This is your post. My favourite tip is checking Google Trends to see what keywords people are searching for at this time of year. Turns out its recipes. Makes sense, right?

Email Marketing Tips for the Holidays
at Entrepreneur.com

The actual article is called "3 Holiday Marketing Tips," but all the tips revolve around email marketing.

A Sleigh-Load of Holiday Marketing Tips at Museum Marketing Tips

A lot of these tips are applicable at any time of year! That doesn't mean they can't be profitably applied to the holiday season, however.

5 Holiday Marketing Tips to Beat a Slow Season at aweber

aweber is an email marketing solution for businesses. Their blog has this useful article for email marketing during the holidays, organized into a few do's and a don't. And apparently gift certificates make up a tenth of all holiday spending. Wow.

Smart Holiday Marketing to Rev Up Your Revenues at Business Know How

These tips can be applied to tonnes of businesses. They get into detail about how you might choose to position yourself when selling to holiday shoppers, such as offering volume discounts or packages.

The Top Three Local Business Holiday Marketing Tips For Tough Times at ezinearticles

This article has some good tips for holiday markeitng during a tough economic times, but really - you can apply these to any time of year.


To recap, some of the points that came up again and again:
  1. Start early.
  2. Offer unique packages, discounts, or volume savings.
  3. Offer what the customers actually want.
  4. Consider working with other businesses for sell package deals or to get your message out.
Hmm, seems to me you can apply these to virtually any season.