
Monday, March 30, 2009

Google Chrome betters my web experience

Over the weekend I was introduced to a whole new way of surfing the Internet...sort of. Google Chrome, one of the newest web browsers created by the search engine giant, was released back in the Fall of 2008 and after only 48 hours of using it, I'm sold.

I use Internet Explorer, Safari, and Firefox interchangeably, but Chrome seems to have taken the best qualities of all three and made a pretty solid web application.

There will be those who disagree, but here's my take:

The most noticeable difference between Chrome and the competition, is the speed. We all know Google searches are fast, but who knew that regular browsing could be just as quick? The loading speed of the application and the individual web pages, in comparison to what I'm used to, was what impressed me the most.

That, and these:
  • One box for search, address, and history
  • Visual browser history
  • Tab-based browsing (with an excellent Task Manager - press "shift+ESCAPE")
  • Re-open website tabs that you closed by mistake (Ctrl+T)
  • Incognito browsing
I don't normally get excited about web applications, but this experience was something new. Don't take my word for it, give it try and see what you think. It's FREE and it can be found at:

Google Chrome Download

Thankfully, Chrome will soon be released for Apple users, just visit this page to ask Google to notify you when it's being released.

Google has the ability to control information, so it may scare some people to think that Google has now expanded their reach into the web browsing world. But don't worry, for now only 4% of the web population is using it. Which means, Google probably won't conquer the world for at least another 5 years.