
Monday, June 1, 2009

3 Easy Things to apply to your Twitter campaign

Earlier this week the team over at Marketing Breakthroughs, Ottawa's number one choice for making mid-sized companies grow, got together and took part in a brainstorming session to hash out some tips and tricks on how to best utilize a Twitter campaign. The truth is, Twitter's abilities are vast and to be able to sift through all the information online about this social networking tool can be tiring.

With the help of the great minds over at PRNews, we were able to create a list of 3 useful ways to properly tweet your messages to the proper audiences. Enjoy!

1) Learn these keystrokes to best engage your Twitter community:
  • "@" - used when replying publicly to a tweet (eg: @twitterusername insert message here);
  • "d" - used when sending someone a private direct message (eg: d twitterusername insert message here);
  • "RT" - when you read something you like, pass it on to your community. (eg: RT @twitterusername insert the original tweet here).
2) Tweetbeep.com - What are others twittering about you, your product, your company, or your business community? This handy tool sends you an email if anyone mentions you. This is the best way to monitor what's being said about you.
For example, Esther at www.blinds.com was recently part of a webinar where she explained the way she uses Tweetbeep.com. By monitoring the Twitterverse she is able to provide proactive customer service, she can address customer concerns, and she's able to provide solutions almost immediately.

3) If you're planning on executing a local Twitter campaign and you know your audience is somewhere in the area, how are you supposed to find them? The best tool to find locals in your area, and thus speak to people who you want to communicate local messages to is: Nearby Tweets.com. This tool is the best way to find people in your area who would be interested in what you're doing!

As practical usages for Twitter continue to present themselves, it's a good idea to keep these three points in your head. They will always remain useful in the growing Twitterverse.

Have any Twitter questions? Let us know, and we'll answer them for you.