As we started planning our birthday party, we could think of no better theme than Mad Men.
Times certainly have changed, but like the crew on Mad Men, you won’t find a more passionate group of marketing professionals than our team at MB!
The party is in 2 weeks and the countdown is on. Sterling Cooper Draper Price (creative ad. agency depicted on Mad Men) and MB share few similarities. While you won’t see us smoking at our desks or sipping scotch between meetings (luckily, these are taboos of the past), we can certainly pat ourselves on the back for the campaigns we’ve created. S.C.D.P. sells lifestyles, their approach is to convince you to purchase a product and convert you into a customer. Our approach at MB is a little different. We want to showcase and highlight the features and benefits of a product and/or service and we specialize in dealing with family owned, mid sized, owner managed companies. But we do share their enthusiasm for all things marketing and advertising!
Below the cast of Mad Men and the team at MB

What can you expect? Our guests can enjoy dressing up in a 60s style while being serenaded by contemporary jazz and stunning hors d’oevres are served up. If you aren’t familiar with the show or style, stay tuned for upcoming blog posts and style tutorials. We were looking for an excuse to wear fedoras to work, what will you wear to celebrate our birthday?
Would you like more information on our Sweet 16 extravaganza? Contact our Marketing Assistant, Justyna at