
Friday, February 13, 2009

Top Ten things to do on FAMILY DAY!

This being the second year Ontarians celebrate Family Day, many people are unfamiliar as how to use this holiday. I thought I would help! I have put together a list of family related activities that I recommend to help you enjoy time together with your family this holiday. Every family is unique and different so please see these only as suggestions. The government claims, "Ontarians work very hard and they deserve more time to spend with the people they love." So ENJOY your holiday and your FAMILY!

1. Archive original photos of each family member. Be prepared to laugh at yourself.

2. Have a big family thanksgiving-style dinner with all the fixings. Try and make a verbal list of some unique traits specific to only your family.

3. Locate extended family in different countries and plan a trip to where they live. Archive their number. Who knows, they may be gracious enough to be your personal tour guide or host. If you're feeling really adventurous book a last minute weekend vacation to see them!

4. Go on a roadtrip to the first house you lived in as a family. If you're brave enough, knock on the door (with cookies) and ask for an inprompt to tour.

5. Pack the entire family into the
van (or other mode of transportation) and drive with the windows down to the country. Blast some Phil Collins. Who knows you might end up finding some really ecelctic, cozy country restaurant to dine at.

6. Surprise an extended family member with a giant platter of a platter of hom
emade gourmet food items. Use the 'large group' surprise tactic.

7. For one day, reverse all the roles in your family's household. Ie. Have Dad prepare a gourmet meal and dust every visible surface and have Mom shovel the driveway and take
out the garbage (or vice versa if that's how your family operates).

8. Plan an epic family trip the entire family will take in the year 2020. Need suggestions? Try an African safari or an adventure down under!

9. Sit down with a white bristle board and col
oured markers and write out your entire family tree going back at least 4 generations. You'll learn a lot!

10. Spend some time doing nothing with your family, something is bound to happen.

If this coming Monday you're far from your family and can't see them, call them or think of them regularly. Enjoy this great new holiday!

The identities of the people in the photos have been preserved as to prevent my family from being exposed to the world wide web. Thank you for your understanding.